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ATMOS 41 All-in-one weather station

ATMOS 41 All-in-one weather station

Most weather stations are cluttered, complicated, and frustrating to install and maintain.

Wiring and programming can be a nightmare, and finding room to mount everything is a challenge. All-in-one weather stations solve these problems, but the tradeoff is flexibility. Adding just one more sensor often requires an extra logger, making the system more complicated and more expensive.

All-in-one plus one

Our solution is an all-in-one weather station…plus one. The all-new ATMOS 41 weather station is the first affordable all-in-one weather station that fulfills all your weather monitoring needs but doesn’t restrain you when you want to do more. ATMOS 41 weather data (e.g., humidity, temperature, or atmospheric pressure) are transmitted over a single wire. That means you don’t have to use all of the ports on your data logger just for weather measurements. And, if you are using the ATMOS 41 weather station with our ZL6 data loggers, you have the flexibility to add any of our other sensors, like soil moisture.

Simply smarter

The ATMOS 41 weather station works seamlessly with the ZL6 for simple, plug-and-play atmospheric data logging and cloud-based data storage and management. You can set up an entire weather monitoring system without any complex wiring or programming. The ATMOS 41 weather station is a simple, compact, and connected device with the flexibility to do more than weather measurements. That is why we call it an all-in-one plus one, or two, or three…